Request for Volunteers
Serving on the board as an elected officer or director-at-large is an exciting opportunity! It is a chance to share your expertise and life experiences, add value in advancing the Association’s goals and objectives, meet new people and make a difference. Volunteering is also good for your health!
We need members to volunteer to join us and revitalize the branch as soon as possible. The future of your branch depends on this. Currently, we have an urgent need for the following volunteer roles:
President: The President’s role is defined by the Branch By-laws and duties are carried out as assigned. The President as Chair shall call and chair Branch Board Meeting and Branch Annual Membership and Annual General Meetings. The President shall serve as the chief spokesperson of the Branch in general and specifically in the local community and at National Membership Meetings and Ontario District Meetings.
Director-at-large: This position includes a succession plan to replace the current director of membership and recruitment who will be stepping down in May of 2025. Although meetings are mostly held on Zoom, this role requires occasional travel to attend recruitment events at CFB Borden (and possibly other locations where there are federal department offices within the area).
Ad hoc volunteers: This role can be short or longer term and may involve making phone calls to members and/or helping out with registration at meetings; occasionally special committee work.
Please do not feel that you must live in Barrie to volunteer for these roles. We currently have three executive members that live outside of the Barrie area and it works just fine!
Time commitment:
There are two general membership meetings per year: The Annual Member Meeting and the Annual General Meeting that are approximately 2 hours in duration each followed by lunch and held in Barrie at the Legion. There are monthly executive meetings on Zoom which are two hours long and one in-person meeting (none in July or August).
If you can spare some time to help revitalize your Branch, you would be more than welcome. The ability to attend online meetings via Zoom may continue for some time. Ideally, Board members should be comfortable navigating technology including emails, some knowledge of Word and/or Excel.
Keep in mind that the purpose of the Association is to advocate on your behalf, reminding the government to honour the pension you were promised and to fulfill the commitments made to you during your employment. All it takes is a few hours a month to keep our Branch viable and operating!
For more information, please contact Kathleen Rupnow, director-at-large, membership & recruitment, Huronia Branch, by phone at (705) 717-9307 or via email at or
Thank you for considering volunteering for your branch!
Huronia Board