Update your Contact Information

Whenever you move, change your phone number, or get a new email address, it's important to keep your branch up to date with your new information. You may be missing important news about events, branch and national breaking news, and preferred partner offerings. And of course, we can't send you the quarterly Sage magazine if we can't find you!

Also, some members may have an email address and just haven't thought of letting us send you some items by email. More and more, timely information needs a fast method of communication that regular mail just can't provide. Please let us know your email address. There are options available on the type of email you are willing to receive from us, and we can fill you in on that once we have your permission to use it.

Here's how you can let us know about any changes:

Through your branch:

  • Phone: 506-451-2111 (local Fredericton number)
  • Email: nafrfred.nb62@gmail.com
  • Mail: Fredericton and District Branch (NB62) - PO Box 30068 Prospect Plaza, Fredericton, NB E3B 0H8

Through our national office:

Enter your own information:

If you have established a login account with us, you can login to your account on our national website at www.federalretirees.ca and correct your contact information there.

  • Click on "Login" near the top right corner then enter your membership number and password.
  • You can enter or change your email address, phone numbers, and other information on the "My Profile" page.
  • You can go to "My Addresses" and enter your permanent or a temporary mailing address.
  • You can go to "My Communications Preferences" to establish what information you are interested in from your Association, and how you would like to receive that information.

Thanks for keeping your contact information up to date!