Our priorities

Learn more about our advocacy priorities.

Federal Retirees has four advocacy priorities: retirement income security, a national seniors strategy, veteran well-being and pharmacare. We would love to know which one is closest to your heart.

The National Association of Federal Retirees (Federal Retirees) is the largest national advocacy organization representing active and retired members of the federal public service, Canadian Armed Forces, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and retired federally appointed judges, their partners and survivors. Federal Retirees has a proud history of advocacy on behalf of our more than 170,000 members and all retirees. With our volunteers and members from coast-to-coast, we continue this tradition of strong, smart advocacy campaigns to protect our members’ earned pensions and benefits, and to support good policy that improves the lives of all Canadians in retirement.

Federal Retirees looks forward to working with members of Parliament to advance the following important policy recommendations during this government's mandate.

Better retirement income security policies that would:

1. Encourage well-managed defined benefit pension plans and enable retirees to contribute to a strong economy.

2. Reject legislation that allows employers to walk away from their pension promises.

3. Plan for enhancements to the Canada Pension Plan to ensure that those who do not have a workplace pension plan are able to save enough for retirement.

4. Strategically increase the Guaranteed Income Supplement to lift the most vulnerable seniors out of poverty.

5. Prioritize employees and retirees in bankruptcy, so that all Canadians can retire in dignity.

6. Repair issues with the federal public sector pension plans and address concerns with the Phoenix pay system to help mend the relationship between the government and its current and former public servants and veterans.

Learn more how and why we’re prioritizing retirement income security

A comprehensive national seniors strategy that would:

1. Address the social determinants of health, such as income security, housing and transportation.

2. Assure a continuum of health care closer to home.

3. Provide for resource planning and sustainable financing for health care, health care workers and caregivers.

4. Recognize and support the work of informal caregivers.

5. Promote and fund innovation in home and community care.

6. Develop and implement policy solutions to address ageism, elder abuse and social isolation.

Learn more how and why we’re prioritizing a comprehensive national seniors strategy

A policy framework for improved outcomes for veterans that would:

1. Ensure the Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP achieve equitable outcomes for serving and veteran women, starting with federally-funded defence and veteran-related health and wellness research to follow GBA+ and Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines.

2. Ensure a seamless, supported and successful transition and release from service.

3. Ensure the most vulnerable ill and injured veterans and their caregivers are supported with adequate planning and programming, including financial supports.

4. Assure timely and transparent decisions for veterans waiting to access benefits and programs, or awaiting the outcome of appeals.

5. Rebuild trust with veterans by improving outcome and communications, particularly by working with national service providers, non-profit and community-based organizations.

Learn more how and why we’re prioritizing veteran well-being

A universal, public pharmacare program that:

1. Is based on the Pharmcare Consensus Principles of universality, public single-payer administration, accessibility, comprehensiveness and portable coverage.

2. Coordinates with existing public and private prescription drug coverage to see that current levels of prescription drug coverage – and health – are maintained or improved.

3. Monitors the prescribing and use of drugs to ensure safe and appropriate use of medications.

Learn more how and why we’re prioritizing pharmacare

Service to others is the highest calling. The members of Federal Retirees have spent their working lives in service to Canada. Our volunteers continue to serve by giving their time to ensuring that their peers and future retirees can enjoy a secure, dignified retirement.

The National Association of Federal Retirees is composed of 77 branches across the country. Working with this team of incredible volunteers, we represent the priorities of our members to their elected representatives and local media, and partner with other organizations seeking to improve the lives of seniors, veterans and their families.