Central Fraser Valley

Welcome to the Central Fraser Valley Branch of the National Association of Federal Retirees.

We invite you to explore our branch website. As well, check out your Association's advocacy priorities, and like and follow  Federal Retirees on Facebook.  

This site is updated regularly, so check back often for the latest news, links and upcoming events.

There is a wealth of information available online that you may find useful, including health, financial and fraud prevention, as well as many other resources. The links below include those for regional, BC and federal governments, related agencies, as well as non profit and commercial entities.

Please note: the Central Fraser Valley Branch is neither endorsing or verifying any information contained on these sites or their subsequent links — you are encouraged to do your own research as applicable. 


*  denotes recent additions *

Aging In place:


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Plan now to age in place - a checklist (Government of Canada)

United Way BC/Aga Khan Council of Canada - toolkit


Enhanced Road Assessment/Driving Record:


BC Government information

Driving guides

Driver licensing information

Driving and dementia roadmap

Driving record/insurance history

Senior drivers information


Enviromental Public Safety Information:


Air pollution map

Drought preparation and response

Earthquakes Canada

EmergencyInfo BC

Emergency preparedness for older adults (Canadian Red Cross)

Fire Smart BC

Fire Smoke Canada (fire smoke forecast map)

Flood ready


Fraser Basin Council

Get prepared

Natural hazards

Public emergency preparation and recovery

Public safety and emergency preparedness

River Forecast Centre

Wild fire map (BC)


Financial Information:


BC taxes and tax credits

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) login portal

CleanBC - energy rebates and resources

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

Getting your credit report and credit score

Home owner grant

Insurance Bureau of Canada

Johnson Travel Insurance tax letter request form

Personal income tax information:

Property tax deferral

Public pensions

Service Canada login portal

Unclaimed properties:


Healthcare/Seniors/Social Services Information:


Government of British Columbia: 


Accessibility directorate

Assisted living in BC

BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)

BC Ferries - seniors discount

BC Pharmacare

BC seniors' guide

Camping fees for BC seniors

Emergency Department wait times

Fair PharmaCare

Family and social support services

Fraser Health

Health Gateway (accessing your health information)

HealthLink BC

Health services and information (BC's health care system information, accessing health care, assisted living in BC, health drug coverage, managing your health, keeping BC healthy and safe, and health forms)

Illnesses and Conditions

Immunize BC

Infectious diseases



Provincial Health Services Authority - Health  Information

Register to get vaccinated

Respiratory illnesses

Service BC

Services card app.

Supportive housing and assisted living



Government of Canada:


Battery safety (including information on lithium-ion batteries and button batteries)

Benefits information

Canada's food guide - healthy eating for seniors

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Diseases and conditions

Health services and information (food nutrition, drug and health products, vaccines and immunization, diseases and conditions, health systems and services, product safety and recalls, healthy living, health risks and safety, and indigenous health)


National Seniors Council (NSC)

Personal insect repellents

Product safety

Programs and services for seniors

Safe use of cookware

Seniors health

Travel information

Veteran Affairs




British Columbia: 


Ability411 (assistive technologies, tools and equipment)

Adventure hub

BC211 (community, government and social services information)

BC Crisis Centre

BC Housing (housing assistance)

BC Senior's Advocate

BC Transplant (organ donation)

BounceBack BC (mental health support)

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) - BC Division

Choose to Move (Seniors health and wellness information)

Council of Senior Citizen's Organizations of BC (COSCO)

Crisis Line Association of BC

Dental health

Drug Shortages Canada

Family Caregivers of BC

Finding Balance BC (fall prevention)

Gambling Support BC

Here to Help BC (mental health and substance use information)

Know Alcohol (health risks, cost and calories from drinking alcohol)


Pain BC (pain management)

Pest control (eco-friendly)

Public Guardian and Trustee of BC

Self-Management BC (chronic conditions support)

Seniors First BC

Seniors Services Society of BC

Shelter Safe BC

Sparc BC (disabled parking permit program)

Take action on radon (testing information)

Volunteer BC




Active Life Choices for Older Adults (ALCOA)

Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP)

Canadian Digestive Health Foundation

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Quit Now (smoking cessation)


Pension and Benefit Information for 

Federal Retirees:


2025 pension indexing rate (2.7%)

Canadian Armed Forces pension Information

Pension and benefits email notification system

Pension indexing rate (2025 = 2.7%)

Pension survivor benefits

Pensioners Dental Services Plan (PDSP)

Pension centre - contact information

Public service group insurance benefit plans

Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP)

Public Service pension calendar

Public Service Pension Plan

Public Service Supplementary Death Benefit Regulation - Changes to allow for up to 5 beneficiaries 

RCMP pension information

Treasury Board - information for retired members of the public service pension plan


Personal Planning (Will, Power of Attorney, 

Representation Agreement):


Incapacity planning

Nidus Resource Centre

Preneed cemetery and funeral services contract rights

Probate BC

Substitute decision making and incapacity planning

Wills and estate planning



Recalls, advisories and safety alerts



Recycling Council of BC

Stewardship Agencies of BC (links to recycling programs in BC)


Safety, Fraud, Privacy, Scams and Your Rights Information:


Better Business Bureau - scams

BGRS / SERVA Canada personal information breach affecting current and formal federal employees

Canada Post - how to reduce the amount of advertising mail you receive

Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre

Competition Bureau Canada - preventing fraud

Consumer Protection BC

Do not call list

Get cyber safe

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

RCMP cybercrime and fraud reporting system

RCMP - senior safety

Scams and fraud (CRA)

Seniors First BC - scam and fraud resource list

Victims of crime

Vin verify


Seniors' Discounts / Rewards Links:


Rewards Canada

Seniors' Discounts:




Loans Canada

Lynn Valley Care Centre



Seniors bulletin

Last updated 25/02/12
Central Fraser Valley Branch (BC01)

PO Box 2202 Station A
Abbotsford, BC
V2T 3X8

(778) 378-4204


Branch Events