Western Nova Scotia

Welcome to the website for the Western Nova Scotia Branch.  We have a very active branch with many events for our members. Our branch area extends from Aylesford to Meteghan.

Our highest priority is serving our members. We have two members meetings per year, one in the Kingston area in May, and one in the Digby area in October. In addition, we periodically will have social gatherings such as Christmas dinners. Branch events are updated regularly on this web page.

In order to keep up to date, I encourage you to come back often to check out our latest updates. Federal Retirees also has an excellent Facebook page covering current events and activities of the association.

In closing, your board of directors is committed to looking for ways to improve service to you, our members. We encourage you to get involved through volunteering or bringing forward suggestions that will help us in our efforts. We look forward to hearing from you.

Bill Sproul,

Western Nova Scotia Branch (NS75)

P.O. Box 1131
Middleton, NS
B0S 1P0

(902) 765-8590


Branch Events