Détails de l'événement
Branch AMM
30 avr. 2024 17h à 30 avr. 2024 20h
Port Williams Lions Club
1045 Main St.
Port Williams,
$5 at the door (bar service is available)
In order to allow us to arrange the proper number of meals, please advise of your attendance and if you are bringing a guest(s), not later than April 25th by contacting Carol Harris, either by email at harrisce@uvic.ca, or telephone at (902) 266-2616.
Since we will be holding elections for Branch Executives and Directors, there will be no guest speaker at this meeting
Roast pork with all the trimmings
Please share this information with any member you know who does not have email. Also, if you have an eligible colleague ,friend or family member who hasn’t joined Federal Retirees yet, why not bring them along so they can learn more about the Association and what we do for our members?